The typical spray tan will last 7-10 days with proper care and upkeep. It is important to follow the steps listed on our Tan Care page to get the best quality tan possible.
Do any spa service prior to your spray tan (mani, pedi, facials, waxing.)
It is preferred that you try to shower & exfoliate 24 hours to your tan appointment. Avoid using any bar soaps (Especially Dove). Gel soaps are preferred.
Thoroughly exfoliate your entire body, preferably with an exfoliating glove or brush. Pay special attention to dry areas like elbows, feet and knees. Proper exfoliation will prep the skin for a smooth & flawless tan.
Shave any unwanted hair with a razor that lacks a moisture strip. Waxing should be done 48 hours prior to your tan.
Wear dark, loose fitting clothing. Open toed sandals are preferred for shoes. Put a towel on your car seat to prevent bronzer transfer.
No skin to skin touching to avoid bronzer transfer. Also, try not to sweat or get wet for 8-10 hours.
Take a quick cool shower. It is best if you avoid soap on your first shower. NO exfoliating until you are ready for your tan to come off. When you need to shave press lightly to avoid exfoliating.
If you have a tendency to sleep on your hands. Wear big socks or gloves to bed. Don't forget to wear long sleeves & pants and stay cool & try not to sweat.
Wear dark, loose clothing. If you sleep on your tan wear a long sleeve top & pants to bed.